Why is it so important that you address this recall stuff? Why not just quit so you don’t have to deal with this?
From Angela: “Too many non-politician citizens and parents, like me, are being subjected to similar attacks and accusations that are leading such citizens to resign from their positions merely to avoid all of this. I believe this needs to end. Parents have a right to run for local office to make sure our taxpayer dollars are being used solely to benefit our schools—students and hardworking staff. Not personally benefit certain politicians. No public servant on a school board gets paid lots of money. Parents and citizens, like me, do this because we truly care what happen to our students and communities. My prayer and desire is that others around the state and nation, who are being similarly attacked or falsely accused merely for catching misconduct or doing the right thing, will stand up and choose not to back down. We believe that full transparency for ALL FINANCIAL MATTERS and issues that endanger our children should go back to the citizens—not the lifelong politicians. For too long, our local schools have benefited from lack of transparency about how taxpayer money is being spent. The voters want that to change, and I will not stop advocating for full financial and safety transparency—no matter how angry others are about what may be uncovered.”
Why does the District have a budget for Legal fees?
All public offices, agencies, and even private companies require legal counsel! Wis. Stat. § 120.13(9) allows a school board to hire an attorney for legal matters. For the District, this protects TAXPAYERS from higher taxes, lawsuits against the district, and potential harm to the children where resources are spent fighting lawsuits that could have been avoided with proper legal counsel for the district! Legal expenses can increase for several reasons:
1 Ongoing Investigations & Compliance, including investigations, personnel matters, and contractual obligations.
2 Board Member & Public Complaints – When complaints, grievances, or ethics violations arise, to avoid lawsuits.
3 Ensuring Policy & Procedural Compliance – within state and federal laws, school policies, and Wisconsin Open Meetings Law.
4 Addressing Misconduct & board member Code of Conduct Violations regarding disciplinary actions against harrassment or potential defamation.
5 Contract Reviews & Negotiations – with employment contracts, vendor agreements, and superintendent contracts, which require legal review to protect taxpayer dollars and the district’s best interests.
*When voters seek change, oversight, and transparency from public officials, that often requires higher legal fees because there is much from the past (or present) to clean up and fix. To see more where legal fees have gone, go to the section on the HOME page about our Successes during my tenure!
Who should private citizens listen to if the recall allegations are from another board member?
Citizens are always encouraged to make public records requests under Wisconsin laws (19.31-19.39) for any information you want to know. Outside of this, citizens should hear from a majority of the Board Members regarding any official statements. Listening to one or two jaded “board members” that may be upset for “political” reasons only invites confusion and can lead to false information being spread. School Board leadership and official messages are made through expert legal guidance and counsel to protect the district and the taxpayers from liability specifically pertaining to integrity and conflicts to ensure taxpayer dollars are not wasted.
The problem with “certain people” saying things without documented support or encouraging public records requests is that gives them a platform to spread FALSE information, hoping that the citizens will not get the records that prove this false information. As school board president, Angela has, and will continue, to support, vote for, and never stop the release of any public records that citizens are entitled to through public records requests—which are handled through official channels and advising. See the district’s website or reach out for information on submitting public records requests! While Angela does not make the sole decision in releasing such records, any decisions that come to the board for approval will never be stopped by her. Angela has already supported releasing detailed legal billing statements to prove the falsity of allegations against her—something that her opponents never offered nor provided because they know their allegations against Angela are false.
Why did Angela not use the Wisconsin Association for School Board (WASB) for legal advice? Aren't WASB legal services free?
No, WASB legal services are not free. Angela received a letter in July 2024 from WASB indicating their legal service fees. These were higher than the district legal counsel rates at the time and included travel fees for legal services.
The response from WASB was sent to Angela’s home address, unbeknownst to her. Angela has no knowledge about how WASB obtained her home address. Angela did not ever ask that any response be sent to her home address. These types of mistakes are not uncommon at all, but the letter had nothing to do with any personal services for Angela. WASB informed Angela to follow what the Board policies stated for legal counsel—which held she should contact the district’s legal counsel with questions. Angela is certainly appreciative of the guidance from WASB for all school boards and officials like herself. A majority of the Board has felt that the best course has been the legal counsel that the district currently has.
What are you most proud of regarding your work as a board member or board president?
Angela says, “I am most proud to have been raised by my father, a United States Marine and Vietnam-disabled veteran, and to come from a family of Marine officers, including my uncles and cousins. They instilled in me a deep commitment to fighting for the American people and upholding the U.S. Constitution—a responsibility I embraced the day I was sworn in as a school board member. Our family values service, sacrifice, and making a difference in our communities, and I have carried those principles into my work on the school board. I will continue to do so, even when it’s tough to do!”
What will happen with the current Board if the Recall effort against Angela fails? What are Angela's hopes for the current Board?
“I am hoping that each board member can work together. It will be difficult due to a fractured board. It is up to each one of us to bring our board together.
As president, I will continue to seek and bring in 3rd party training and/or mediation to help us work together. Continue to be transparent as much as I can be. Focus on collaboration.
I ask for board members to review policies and state statues put in place, make recommendations and stop the political attacks. Help each other when mistakes happen. No one is perfect.
Training and education is important for our school board. Not just for the students alone. Our common commitments should help with respecting board governance.
Mostly, I ask the community, staff, teachers, and administrators to help bring this board and community together.”
How are you and your family dealing with these personal attacks and a recall against you?
From Angela: “It’s been frustrating and stressful, for sure! But I have a very strong family who has been so supportive of me and what I am doing. They know I am doing this for the right reasons—for students and our community. My family has grown closer through all this, despite the difficulties, and we are supportive of one another. Our faith has been guiding us in these times. We are so blessed by the voters and supporters who have reached out and stood strong with us. Thank you all so much.”
I received an email about the recall, but I have no idea how the recall petitioners got my email since only the school would have that for my child. Can recall petitioners use student parent emails to send information about the recall?
From Angela: “Absolutely not. If that is true, this is a huge breach of public trust and many privacy considerations. A majority of the Board members, myself included, have received similar complaints about this, and we are fully investigating whether private parent contact information has been used to communicate about the recall attack against me.”
Is the District going to publish legal billing statements since the recall alleges Angela has misused District legal resources??
The District published information unequivocally proving that there were false allegations about Angela regarding the investigation into the former administrator and district legal counsel use at the Special Board meeting on February 13, 2025. A citizen was able to capture the entire meeting which is publicly available on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/MGOUzexwnE0?si=UoOmM6hZ4SJ7nZiw.
Your opponents say that you have not been "transparent" about the internal investigation of the former superintendent. Why is that?
From Angela: “I have always valued transparency and open communication with the community. But there are legal and ethical restrictions that prevent me from sharing certain details about any ongoing investigation such as (1) legal and privacy protections for any individuals being investigated, (2) ensuring a fair and unbiased investigation for any individual involved, and (3) protecting the district, and taxpayers, from legal liability. Since Mr. Space retired, the investigation did not need to be completed in full. As part of his separation agreement, the district agreed it will not disclose anything “disparaging” about Mr. Space. Any violation of this provision could lead to a lawsuit that could cost taxpayers. I will not violate any provision that could injure the district—regardless of what my opponents are trying to “bait” me with. I wish Mr. Space well in his retirement. I call on current board members making these allegations to “entice me” into breaching this to cease at once because this opens the District and Mr. Space up to serious concerns and potential liability. Rayn, Tiffany, and Melinda, please cease this and honor the agreements the District has signed with Mr. Space and stop putting the District and taxpayers at risk.”
Why can’t I view the Facebook page discussing allegations?
From Angela: “This is an ongoing concern by citizens. At least two current board members and former board members have started a Facebook page that restricts citizen access but discusses board matters. There are serious legal concerns where citizens are kept out of commenting or viewing these posts and pages—including serious First Amendment violations. I call on any board members that post on this Facebook page to immediately ensure all their posts are publicly accessible.
Isn’t it interesting how those shouting “transparency” are the ones hiding their communications from the public through private Facebook posts?”
Can board members solicit recall signatures on school grounds or at school sporting events for the recall?
Absolutely NOT per policy. If you are aware of any violations of this policy, please contact school superintendent’s office and the clerk’s office, or reach out to the Board with any detailed information.
If I have questions about official School Board policies or issues, can I get that information here?
All information about official and ongoing School District matters should be directed to the District or the School Board through its official pages. This website is Angela’s recall defense campaign site to support her and stop the recall efforts against her. She is unable to comment her on current ongoing school matters. As stated, Angela welcomes and asks the public to submit public records requests to the proper school district offices that handle providing information to the public so that all goes through official channels.
We heard Angela has a lawyer defending her with her Recall election defense. Is the District paying for that?
Absolutely NOT! Angela is paying out of pocket for all costs affiliated with defending herself from this sham Recall brought by fellow board member Rayn Warner and other former officials. This requires Angela to personally fund any costs such as defense, personal advising, security, website, etc. Angela’s recall defense has nothing to do with the District. Angela’s recall defense campaign team is not, in any way, affiliated with the School Board or the Wrightstown School District. We thank and appreciate the public for any support to Angela to fight back against these sham and ridiculous allegations so she can focus on her goal of making Wrightstown Schools the best in Wisconsin!